Pour le bulletin de cette semaine, je vous propose les sujets suivants :
Unicode 6.0.0 Standard Published
The week before last, the Unicode Consortium which manages standards for Unicode and Locale published the 6.0 version of Unicode to their site. These standards represent the common set of symbols and locales software vendors use to internationalize their solutions. Over time, the Unicode Standard set of characters has grown in size from 28,294 assigned graphic and format characters in Version 1.0, to 109,384 characters in Version 6.0. This release represents the first time the full specification has been published online in its entirety.
WebGL est finalisé et sera suivi par WebCL
Lors de la Game Developer Conference qui se tient en ce moment, le Khronos Group a annoncé la finalisation de WebGL, ce nouveau standard qui permet d'utiliser OpenGL ES 2.0 dans le navigateur par le biais de JavaScript. Il est de plus en plus utilisé pour la conception de jeux en ligne : ils peuvent alors être utilisés sans plug-in, sur ordinateur classique, tablette ou même sur un smartphone. Il permet aussi de réaliser des applications Web plus classiques avec des éléments graphiques complexes : c'est la carte graphique qui alors géré du rendu, une accélération matérielle 3D bien plus efficace qu'un rendu processeur.
Oracle to float cloud-ready Java EE in 2013
The flavor of Java used to build application servers like IBM's WebSphere, Oracle's WebLogic, and Red Hat's JBoss is getting a two-stage retooling designed to float app severs to the cloud.
Oracle is thrashing out a roadmap for the next versions of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) that will add new web technologies such as HTML5, WebSockets, and JSON. The roadmap also places a lot of emphasis on REST, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Java Programming Language Enhancements in JDK 7
- La norme Unicode 6.0 a été publiée avec 109 384 caractères normalisé. La version 1 d'Unicode en proposait 28 294.
- Le standard WebGL (pour le HTML 5) est proposé par le groupe Khronos. Bientôt le WebCL.
- Oracle pense au Cloud pour le prochain JEE (7 ou 8 ?) du 2013.
- La liste officielle des évolutions du JDK 7 : l'implémentation publique passe en mode "fonctionnalités figées" d'après le site web du JDK 7. Exemple de ces évolutions du langage Java.
- Les données non mutables : l'exemple avec le langage Closure.
- Parmi les principes de conceptions avancées, un sous-ensemble est regroupé sous l'acronyme S.O.L.I.D. Explications
- WinFroms, WPF (Windows Presentation Framework) ou Silverlight : trois technologiques de Microsoft pour faire des interfaces homme machine.
Unicode 6.0.0 Standard Published
The week before last, the Unicode Consortium which manages standards for Unicode and Locale published the 6.0 version of Unicode to their site. These standards represent the common set of symbols and locales software vendors use to internationalize their solutions. Over time, the Unicode Standard set of characters has grown in size from 28,294 assigned graphic and format characters in Version 1.0, to 109,384 characters in Version 6.0. This release represents the first time the full specification has been published online in its entirety.
WebGL est finalisé et sera suivi par WebCL
Lors de la Game Developer Conference qui se tient en ce moment, le Khronos Group a annoncé la finalisation de WebGL, ce nouveau standard qui permet d'utiliser OpenGL ES 2.0 dans le navigateur par le biais de JavaScript. Il est de plus en plus utilisé pour la conception de jeux en ligne : ils peuvent alors être utilisés sans plug-in, sur ordinateur classique, tablette ou même sur un smartphone. Il permet aussi de réaliser des applications Web plus classiques avec des éléments graphiques complexes : c'est la carte graphique qui alors géré du rendu, une accélération matérielle 3D bien plus efficace qu'un rendu processeur.
Oracle to float cloud-ready Java EE in 2013
The flavor of Java used to build application servers like IBM's WebSphere, Oracle's WebLogic, and Red Hat's JBoss is getting a two-stage retooling designed to float app severs to the cloud.
Oracle is thrashing out a roadmap for the next versions of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) that will add new web technologies such as HTML5, WebSockets, and JSON. The roadmap also places a lot of emphasis on REST, according to a source familiar with the matter.
Java Programming Language Enhancements in JDK 7
• Binary Literals
• Underscores in Numeric Literals
• Strings in switch Statements
• Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
• Improved Compiler Warnings and Errors When Using Non-Reifiable Formal Parameters with Varargs Methods
• The try-with-resources Statement
• Catching Multiple Exception Types and Rethrowing Exceptions with Improved Type Checking
• Underscores in Numeric Literals
• Strings in switch Statements
• Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
• Improved Compiler Warnings and Errors When Using Non-Reifiable Formal Parameters with Varargs Methods
• The try-with-resources Statement
• Catching Multiple Exception Types and Rethrowing Exceptions with Improved Type Checking
Mark Reinhold announced availability of the first JDK 7 developer preview today.
Reason enough for me to give some of the Project Coin features a shot. I won't get into details here, but instead just show some quick examples. Most of them are self-explanatory anyway.
Immutability in Clojure - Part 1, Programming Without Variables
In Clojure, immutability is the default. Once an object or data structure is
created, it cannot be changed. This provides many benefits:
The Object Oriented concepts in all OOPS language follow some common principles. These principles are guidelines for developers and architects which they need to understand as they grow their understanding of the language.
The SOLID principles are the most talked about in the Enterprise Java world. These principles deal with cohesion, coupling, inheritance, abstract types in the Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)
A Case for WinForms
When DevExpress released their roadmap for 2011, WinForms barely got a mention. As a ten year old technology that is basically abandoned by its creator this isn't too surprising. But what it interesting the amount of negative feedback that generated. A lot of DevExpress's customers just don't see WPF or Silverlight as a viable replacement for their major applications.
Seven years ago Avalon was announced. Now known as WPF and Silverlight, it represented a major evolution in the design and development of graphical user interfaces. Combining the declarative style of HTML programming with WinForm's ability to create custom controls has proven to be very effective. With three major versions of WPF and four of Silverlight now in production, one would not expect the technology to be pretty solid.
Unfortunately there continues to be serious performance concerns, both in terms of processor and memory usage. While very real on their own, these concerns are exaggerated by the steep learning curve. Even minor design flaws have a bad tendency to multiply the amount of resources needed for a given screen.
Reason enough for me to give some of the Project Coin features a shot. I won't get into details here, but instead just show some quick examples. Most of them are self-explanatory anyway.
Immutability in Clojure - Part 1, Programming Without Variables
In Clojure, immutability is the default. Once an object or data structure is
created, it cannot be changed. This provides many benefits:
The Object Oriented concepts in all OOPS language follow some common principles. These principles are guidelines for developers and architects which they need to understand as they grow their understanding of the language.
The SOLID principles are the most talked about in the Enterprise Java world. These principles deal with cohesion, coupling, inheritance, abstract types in the Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD)
A Case for WinForms
When DevExpress released their roadmap for 2011, WinForms barely got a mention. As a ten year old technology that is basically abandoned by its creator this isn't too surprising. But what it interesting the amount of negative feedback that generated. A lot of DevExpress's customers just don't see WPF or Silverlight as a viable replacement for their major applications.
Seven years ago Avalon was announced. Now known as WPF and Silverlight, it represented a major evolution in the design and development of graphical user interfaces. Combining the declarative style of HTML programming with WinForm's ability to create custom controls has proven to be very effective. With three major versions of WPF and four of Silverlight now in production, one would not expect the technology to be pretty solid.
Unfortunately there continues to be serious performance concerns, both in terms of processor and memory usage. While very real on their own, these concerns are exaggerated by the steep learning curve. Even minor design flaws have a bad tendency to multiply the amount of resources needed for a given screen.
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