Pour le bulletin de cette semaine, je vous propose les sujets suivants :
Microsoft veut mettre fin à IE6
Alors que fut un temps, Microsoft pouvait s'enorgueillir de l'omniprésence de son
navigateur web, voilà qu'aujourd'hui celle-ci fait figure de caillou dans sa chaussure : nombre d'internautes utilisent encore et toujours l'indéboulonnable Internet Explorer 6. Il faut dire que cette version a été la dernière en date pendant pas moins de cinq ans, et on en mesure aujourd'hui encore les conséquences : près de dix ans après sa sortie, d'après NetApplications 12 % des internautes s'entêtent à utiliser ce navigateur, en dépit de la marche du progrès. Il faut bien évidemment y voir un effet Windows XP, que nombre d'entreprises continuent à utiliser, rechignant à faire le saut vers l'inconnu de la mise à jour face à un système éprouvé.
Adobe targets iOS with Wallaby Flash-to-HTML5 converter
HTML5 may one day be the future of rich interactive Web content and advertising,
but at the moment Adobe Flash remains the tool of choice for designers everywhere. That's a problem when exciting new smartphone and tablet platforms don't support Flash. To resolve that difference, Adobe has published a prerelease version of Wallaby: a program that converts Flash files to HTML5, using JavaScript, CSS, and SVG to produce Flash-like graphics that don't need plug-ins.
With Wallaby, Adobe is clearly readying itself for a "post-Flash" era that may be ushered in with the "post-PC" era.
JSR 342: Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 (Java EE 7) Specification
This JSR is to develop Java EE 7, the next release of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. The main theme for this release is the Cloud. The Java EE platform is already well suited for cloud environments thanks to its container-based model and the abstraction of resource access it entails.
In this release we aim to further enhance the suitability of the Java EE platform for cloudenvironments. As a result, Java EE 7 products will be able to more easily operate on private orpublic clouds and deliver their functionality as a service with support for features such asmultitenancy and elasticity (horizontal scaling). Applications written for Java EE 7 will be better ableto take advantage of the benefits of a cloud environment.
- Cloud -
- Ease of development -
- Web Profile -
- Pruning -
- Modularity -
An Approach to Internal Domain-Specific Languages in Java
A domain-specific language (DSL) is commonly described as a computer language targeted at a particular kind of problem and it is not planned to solve problems outside of its domain. DSLs have been formally studied for many years. Until recently, however, internal DSLs have been written into programs only as a happy accident by programmers simply trying to solve their problems in the most readable and concise way possible. Lately, with the advent of Ruby and other dynamic languages, there has been a growing interest in DSLs amongst programmers. These loosely structured languages offer an approach to DSLs which allow a minimum of grammar and therefore the most direct representation of a particular language.
However, discarding the compiler and the ability to use the most powerful modern IDEs such as Eclipse is a definite disadvantage with this approach.
The authors have successfully compromised between the two approaches, and will argue that is quite possible and helpful to approach API design from the DSL orientation in a structured language such as Java. This article describes how it is possible to write domain-specific languages using the Java language and suggests some patterns for constructing them.
Save money from Agile Development
Young developers usually don't learn how to create a high quality and clean code atthe university and thus in spite of all their efforts they sometimes write code of poorquality, which then causes headakes to many other people and makes maintenance and evolution of the software more error-prone, expensive and slow.
The best way to give them this opportunity is to let them work in a pair with an experienced developer and later, when they've already gaind the right mind set, they can be kept on the right track and encouraged towards further development via code reviews.
Generics in C#, Java, and C++
A Conversation with Anders Hejlsberg.
FEST-Assert 1.4: Fluent Interface for Assertions
FEST-Assert is an "assertThat" library that provides a fluent interface for writing assertions. Its main goal is to improve
test code readability and make maintenance of tests easier.
assertThat(newHires).containsOnly("Gandalf", "Arwen", "Gimli");
- Microsoft propose à ses utilisateurs d'Internet Exploreur 6 de passer à une version plus récente.
- Adobe annonce un outil de conversion du flash en HTML5. Tout n'est pas encore convertible mais cela confirme la tendance vers le HTML5 pour l'IHM web.
- Le Java Specification Request (JSR 342) relatif à la prochaine version du serveur d'application Java Enterprise Edition 7 est ouvert.
- Un article sur la manière de faire des Domain Specific Language (DSL) interne au langage Java.
- Le processus d'accueil des débutants dans le domaine du logiciel, avec une démarche d'amélioration.
- Un article au sujet des types paramétrés en C++, C# et Java : les génériques
- L'outil de test FEST adopte les "fluentes interfaces" pour les assertions : faite des phrases pour les humains dans votre code de test.
Microsoft veut mettre fin à IE6
Alors que fut un temps, Microsoft pouvait s'enorgueillir de l'omniprésence de son
navigateur web, voilà qu'aujourd'hui celle-ci fait figure de caillou dans sa chaussure : nombre d'internautes utilisent encore et toujours l'indéboulonnable Internet Explorer 6. Il faut dire que cette version a été la dernière en date pendant pas moins de cinq ans, et on en mesure aujourd'hui encore les conséquences : près de dix ans après sa sortie, d'après NetApplications 12 % des internautes s'entêtent à utiliser ce navigateur, en dépit de la marche du progrès. Il faut bien évidemment y voir un effet Windows XP, que nombre d'entreprises continuent à utiliser, rechignant à faire le saut vers l'inconnu de la mise à jour face à un système éprouvé.
Adobe targets iOS with Wallaby Flash-to-HTML5 converter
HTML5 may one day be the future of rich interactive Web content and advertising,
but at the moment Adobe Flash remains the tool of choice for designers everywhere. That's a problem when exciting new smartphone and tablet platforms don't support Flash. To resolve that difference, Adobe has published a prerelease version of Wallaby: a program that converts Flash files to HTML5, using JavaScript, CSS, and SVG to produce Flash-like graphics that don't need plug-ins.
With Wallaby, Adobe is clearly readying itself for a "post-Flash" era that may be ushered in with the "post-PC" era.
JSR 342: Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 (Java EE 7) Specification
This JSR is to develop Java EE 7, the next release of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition. The main theme for this release is the Cloud. The Java EE platform is already well suited for cloud environments thanks to its container-based model and the abstraction of resource access it entails.
In this release we aim to further enhance the suitability of the Java EE platform for cloudenvironments. As a result, Java EE 7 products will be able to more easily operate on private orpublic clouds and deliver their functionality as a service with support for features such asmultitenancy and elasticity (horizontal scaling). Applications written for Java EE 7 will be better ableto take advantage of the benefits of a cloud environment.
- Cloud -
- Ease of development -
- Web Profile -
- Pruning -
- Modularity -
An Approach to Internal Domain-Specific Languages in Java
A domain-specific language (DSL) is commonly described as a computer language targeted at a particular kind of problem and it is not planned to solve problems outside of its domain. DSLs have been formally studied for many years. Until recently, however, internal DSLs have been written into programs only as a happy accident by programmers simply trying to solve their problems in the most readable and concise way possible. Lately, with the advent of Ruby and other dynamic languages, there has been a growing interest in DSLs amongst programmers. These loosely structured languages offer an approach to DSLs which allow a minimum of grammar and therefore the most direct representation of a particular language.
However, discarding the compiler and the ability to use the most powerful modern IDEs such as Eclipse is a definite disadvantage with this approach.
The authors have successfully compromised between the two approaches, and will argue that is quite possible and helpful to approach API design from the DSL orientation in a structured language such as Java. This article describes how it is possible to write domain-specific languages using the Java language and suggests some patterns for constructing them.
Save money from Agile Development
Young developers usually don't learn how to create a high quality and clean code atthe university and thus in spite of all their efforts they sometimes write code of poorquality, which then causes headakes to many other people and makes maintenance and evolution of the software more error-prone, expensive and slow.
The best way to give them this opportunity is to let them work in a pair with an experienced developer and later, when they've already gaind the right mind set, they can be kept on the right track and encouraged towards further development via code reviews.
- Bad Code Can Kill You
- Learning Clean Coding via Pair Programming and Code Reviews
- Selling the Idea to the Management
Generics in C#, Java, and C++
A Conversation with Anders Hejlsberg.
FEST-Assert 1.4: Fluent Interface for Assertions
FEST-Assert is an "assertThat" library that provides a fluent interface for writing assertions. Its main goal is to improve
test code readability and make maintenance of tests easier.
assertThat(newHires).containsOnly("Gandalf", "Arwen", "Gimli");
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