Pour cette deuxième semaine du mois de mai, je vous propose les articles suivants :
Bonne lecture.
Vers la fin du modèle "software"?
Les approches des différents modèles logiciels :
The setting Sun: responses to the acquisition
Oracle's acquisition of Sun raised a lot of questions about the future of Sun's core technologies. Oracle says that it is committed to Solaris and Java, but some open source advocates are concerned about the implications for OpenOffice.org and MySQL. Ars looks at how Oracle and members of the open source software community have responded to the acquisition.
Paris JUG : Soirée Grid Computing le 12 mai
La prochaine soirée du Paris JUG aura lieu le mardi 12 mai 2009 dans les locaux de l'ISEP.
Cette soirée est divisée en deux parties :
SpringOne 2009 - Synthèse
SpringOne Europe 2009 terminé, il est temps de faire le bilan de ces 3 jours à Amsterdam : une ligne directrice, quelques annonces, de belles présentations menées par des spécialistes de renom, et surtout, beaucoup de belles rencontres et discussions off intéressantes (dont certaines ne sont pas avouables sur ce blog :))
SCA Extensions for Event Processing and Pub/Sub
A new SCA specification, Assembly Model Specification Extensions for Event Processing and Pub/Sub describes the Event Processing and Pub/Sub Extensions for the SCA Assembly Model, which deals with:
With continuing convergence between SOA and EDA, the introduction of events support in SCA strengthens its position as a premier SOA programming model.
An Introduction to Java Annotations
The objective of changing older JDK versions to JDK5 largely centered on enhancing ease-ofdevelopment. In other words, the new features shift the responsibility for writing the boilerplate code from the programmer to the compiler. If the source code is boilerplate free, it becomes easier to maintain. The resulting codes are also less likely to be bug-prone. One of these new ease-of-development features in JDK5 are annotations. Annotations are like metatags that you can add to your code and apply them to package declarations, type declarations, constructors, methods, fields, parameters, and variables. As a result, you will have helpful ways to indicate whether your methods are dependent on other methods, whether they are incomplete, whether your classes have references to other classes, and so on.
Annotation-based development is certainly one of the latest Java development trends. Annotation-based development relieves Java developers from the pain of cumbersome configuration. Quoting from Sun's official site, "It (annotation-based development) lets us avoid writing boilerplate code under many circumstances by enabling tools to generate it from annotations in the source code. This leads to a declarative programming style where the programmer says what should be done and tools emit the code to do it." Simply speaking, annotation is a mechanism for associating a meta-tag with program elements and allowing the compiler or the VM to extract program behaviors from these annotated elements and generate interdependent codes when necessary. In the first part of this three-article series, I'll describe some basics of annotation, their benefits, as well as some example usages.
Java Hashed Collections
HashMap and HashSet
The HashMap and HashSet classes provide two different but similar ways to organize a set of objects using the same underlying data structure.
The HashSet class is used to manage a set of objects that have unique values. Passing an object to a HashSet object's add method will add the object to the HashSet unless there is already an object in the HashSet that equals the object passed to the add method. There is also a contains method to find an object in a set and a remove method to remove an object from a set.
The HashMap class organizes objects into pairs. There are two roles in each pair. These roles are key and value. A HashMap object organizes the pairs of objects so that no two pairs have equal keys. This means that, for each key in a HashMap, there is exactly one corresponding value.
.NET Remoting Versus Web Services
With the advent of .NET and the .NET Framework, Microsoft introduced a set of new technologies in the form of Web services and .NET remoting. .NET remoting and ASP.NET Web services are powerful technologies that provide a suitable framework for developing distributed applications. It is important to understand how both technologies work and then choose the one that is right for your application.
The Web services technology enables cross-platform integration by using HTTP, XML and SOAP for communication thereby enabling true business-to-business application integrations across firewalls. Because Web services rely on industry standards to expose application functionality on the Internet, they are independent of programming language, platform and device.
Remoting is a technology that allows programs and software components to interact across application domains, processes, and machine boundaries. This enables your applications to take advantage of remote resources in a networked environment.
Translucent and shaped windows in JDK 7
The latest weekly drop of JDK 7 (b57) has finally exposed the functionality of translucent and shaped windows as publicly supported APIs on the java.awt.Windowclass. Bug 6802853 has tracked the progress of exposing these APIs previously available in 6u10+ in the internal com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities class, and it's time to update the examples to use the new public APIs.
To recap, here are the previous entries that used the AWTUtilities class:
• Translucent and shaped windows in core Java talked about the AWTUtilitiesclass in 6u10 and support for modern top-level windows effects.
• Soft clipping and per-pixel translucency for Swing windows explored the translucent effects on top-level windows.
• More tricks with translucent Swing windows followed up with the different effects achievable with the new translucent window support.
All the source files referenced in these examples have been updated to use the newWindow APIs, and here is a brief overview of the relevant API signatures:
• AWTUtilities.isTranslucencySupported(Translucency) is nowGraphicsDevice.isWindowTranslucencySupported(WindowTranslucency).
• AWTUtilities.isTranslucencyCapable(GraphicsConfiguration) is nowGraphicsConfiguration.isTranslucencyCapable().
• AWTUtilities.setWindowShape(Window, Shape) is nowWindow.setShape(Shape).
• AWTUtilities.setWindowOpacity(Window, float) is now Window.setOpacity(float).
• AWTUtilities.setWindowOpaque(boolean) is superceded byWindow.setBackground(Color). Passing the new Color(0, 0, 0, 0) achieves the old effect of installing per-pixel translucency.
- Vers la fin du modèle économique "software" : grand système, software, Open Source ou SaaS ?
- Quelques remarques suite au rachat de SUN par ORACLE : quel est l'avenir des produits SUN ?
- Le club Java de Paris propose une soirée "Grid Computing " le mardi 12 mai : il faut s'inscrire sur le site web car il y a un nombre de place limitées : www.parisjug.org
- une synthèse des trois jours de conférence Spring 2009 : Tomcat, tcServer et dmServer, Spring 3.0 et Java EE, Groovy.
- IBM propose une extension au modèle de composant SCA pour prendre en compte les évènements : la convergence SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) et EDA (Events Driven Architecture) et en cours. Il est temps que l'industrie (re-)découvre que n'importe quel système d'information a besoin des deux concepts avec le même niveau d'importance. Ces deux concepts, services et événements, doivent rester des concepts d'analyse fonctionnelle (et non pas de design). Le modèle de composant SCA d'IBM est pris en charge par l'organisation de normalisation OASIS et une implémentation de référence Tuscany est disponible en Java et C++ sur le site d'Apache.
- un article technique sur les Annotation Java : c'est quoi, et à quoi cela peut-il servir ? L'industrie propose la notion de DSL : Domain Specifique Language qui permet de construire des dialectes adaptés à un problème spécifique. XML est un moyen de faire une sorte de DSL un peut verbeux, les annotations Java permettent de faire un DSL simple en faisant une extension au langage Java (pour la partie statique).
- un article sur les collections HashMap et HashSet du JDK. La HashMap est assez connue mais le HashSet l'est moins.
- Le remoting en DotNet (C#) versus les web services : explication et comparaison
- L'intégration des fenêtres non rectangulaire et semie-transparentes dans les sources du JDK 7
Bonne lecture.
Vers la fin du modèle "software"?
Les approches des différents modèles logiciels :
- le modèle "grand système" considère que seul le matériel a une valeur importante, et que le logiciel n'en a pas
- le modèle "software" propose une licence payante pour l'utilisation d'un logiciel. Cette licence est en principe perpétuelle, mais il faut, dans la pratique, la racheter tous les 3 ans.
- le modèle "Open Source" propose généralement un logiciel gratuit, avec parfois un support payant.
- le modèle "SaaS" considère qu'on doit payer un service à valeur ajouté, et non du matériel ou du logiciel.
The setting Sun: responses to the acquisition
Oracle's acquisition of Sun raised a lot of questions about the future of Sun's core technologies. Oracle says that it is committed to Solaris and Java, but some open source advocates are concerned about the implications for OpenOffice.org and MySQL. Ars looks at how Oracle and members of the open source software community have responded to the acquisition.
Paris JUG : Soirée Grid Computing le 12 mai
La prochaine soirée du Paris JUG aura lieu le mardi 12 mai 2009 dans les locaux de l'ISEP.
Cette soirée est divisée en deux parties :
- Grid Computing, durée 1h30, présenté Jean-Michel Bea (Fastconnect), Cyrille Le Clerc (Xebia) et Erwan Alliaume (Xebia)
- JavaRebel, durée 30 minutes, présenté par Jevgeni Kabanov, fondateur de ZeroTurnaround Le Paris JUG est victime de son succès : le nombre de places est limité et l'inscription est maintenant obligatoire, avez-vous réservé la votre ?
SpringOne 2009 - Synthèse
SpringOne Europe 2009 terminé, il est temps de faire le bilan de ces 3 jours à Amsterdam : une ligne directrice, quelques annonces, de belles présentations menées par des spécialistes de renom, et surtout, beaucoup de belles rencontres et discussions off intéressantes (dont certaines ne sont pas avouables sur ce blog :))
SCA Extensions for Event Processing and Pub/Sub
A new SCA specification, Assembly Model Specification Extensions for Event Processing and Pub/Sub describes the Event Processing and Pub/Sub Extensions for the SCA Assembly Model, which deals with:
- Publication and Subscription (often shortened to Pub/Sub), which is a particular style of organizing the components which produce and consume events in which the producing components are decoupled from the consuming components. Components that are interested in consuming events specify their interest through a subscription rather than an interface. The same event may be received by multiple subscribers.
- Event Processing, which is computing that performs operations on events, including creating, reading, transforming, and deleting events or event objects/representations. Event Processing components interact by creating event messages which are then distributed to other Event Processing components. An Event Processing component can, in addition, interact with other SCA components using SCA's regular service invocation mechanisms.
With continuing convergence between SOA and EDA, the introduction of events support in SCA strengthens its position as a premier SOA programming model.
An Introduction to Java Annotations
The objective of changing older JDK versions to JDK5 largely centered on enhancing ease-ofdevelopment. In other words, the new features shift the responsibility for writing the boilerplate code from the programmer to the compiler. If the source code is boilerplate free, it becomes easier to maintain. The resulting codes are also less likely to be bug-prone. One of these new ease-of-development features in JDK5 are annotations. Annotations are like metatags that you can add to your code and apply them to package declarations, type declarations, constructors, methods, fields, parameters, and variables. As a result, you will have helpful ways to indicate whether your methods are dependent on other methods, whether they are incomplete, whether your classes have references to other classes, and so on.
Annotation-based development is certainly one of the latest Java development trends. Annotation-based development relieves Java developers from the pain of cumbersome configuration. Quoting from Sun's official site, "It (annotation-based development) lets us avoid writing boilerplate code under many circumstances by enabling tools to generate it from annotations in the source code. This leads to a declarative programming style where the programmer says what should be done and tools emit the code to do it." Simply speaking, annotation is a mechanism for associating a meta-tag with program elements and allowing the compiler or the VM to extract program behaviors from these annotated elements and generate interdependent codes when necessary. In the first part of this three-article series, I'll describe some basics of annotation, their benefits, as well as some example usages.
Java Hashed Collections
HashMap and HashSet
The HashMap and HashSet classes provide two different but similar ways to organize a set of objects using the same underlying data structure.
The HashSet class is used to manage a set of objects that have unique values. Passing an object to a HashSet object's add method will add the object to the HashSet unless there is already an object in the HashSet that equals the object passed to the add method. There is also a contains method to find an object in a set and a remove method to remove an object from a set.
The HashMap class organizes objects into pairs. There are two roles in each pair. These roles are key and value. A HashMap object organizes the pairs of objects so that no two pairs have equal keys. This means that, for each key in a HashMap, there is exactly one corresponding value.
.NET Remoting Versus Web Services
With the advent of .NET and the .NET Framework, Microsoft introduced a set of new technologies in the form of Web services and .NET remoting. .NET remoting and ASP.NET Web services are powerful technologies that provide a suitable framework for developing distributed applications. It is important to understand how both technologies work and then choose the one that is right for your application.
The Web services technology enables cross-platform integration by using HTTP, XML and SOAP for communication thereby enabling true business-to-business application integrations across firewalls. Because Web services rely on industry standards to expose application functionality on the Internet, they are independent of programming language, platform and device.
Remoting is a technology that allows programs and software components to interact across application domains, processes, and machine boundaries. This enables your applications to take advantage of remote resources in a networked environment.
Translucent and shaped windows in JDK 7
The latest weekly drop of JDK 7 (b57) has finally exposed the functionality of translucent and shaped windows as publicly supported APIs on the java.awt.Windowclass. Bug 6802853 has tracked the progress of exposing these APIs previously available in 6u10+ in the internal com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities class, and it's time to update the examples to use the new public APIs.
To recap, here are the previous entries that used the AWTUtilities class:
• Translucent and shaped windows in core Java talked about the AWTUtilitiesclass in 6u10 and support for modern top-level windows effects.
• Soft clipping and per-pixel translucency for Swing windows explored the translucent effects on top-level windows.
• More tricks with translucent Swing windows followed up with the different effects achievable with the new translucent window support.
All the source files referenced in these examples have been updated to use the newWindow APIs, and here is a brief overview of the relevant API signatures:
• AWTUtilities.isTranslucencySupported(Translucency) is nowGraphicsDevice.isWindowTranslucencySupported(WindowTranslucency).
• AWTUtilities.isTranslucencyCapable(GraphicsConfiguration) is nowGraphicsConfiguration.isTranslucencyCapable().
• AWTUtilities.setWindowShape(Window, Shape) is nowWindow.setShape(Shape).
• AWTUtilities.setWindowOpacity(Window, float) is now Window.setOpacity(float).
• AWTUtilities.setWindowOpaque(boolean) is superceded byWindow.setBackground(Color). Passing the new Color(0, 0, 0, 0) achieves the old effect of installing per-pixel translucency.
2 commentaires:
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если есть у кого ещё варианты, помогите.... буду благодарен!!!,...
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