vendredi 29 mai 2009

Veille technologique semaine 22

Pour le bulletin de cette semaine, je vous propose les articles suivants :
  • comment l'acquisition de SUN par ORACLE va-telle changer Java ?
  • le catalogue de JavaOne 2009, la plus grande manifestation du monde Java, à San Francisco : du 2 au 4 juin prochain.
  • le début et la fin de CORBA : quelle est l'espérance de vie de CORBA ? Cet article est un point de vue. Quel est le votre ?
  • Google annonce son soutient à HTML 5.
  • troisième partie sur des interviews de gurus du développement logiciel.
  • Les NIO2 pour le JDK 7 : accès au système de fichiers.
  • Les nouveautés de JDO 2.3
  • Les nouveautés de JPA 2.0

Bonne lecture.

Oracle/Sun: The end of Java as we know it?
A community weighs the pros and cons of Oracle's new claim on Java.

While Oracle and Sun Microsystems are hailing Oracle's purchase of Sun as a big boost for Java, others are not so sure. Some with stake in the Java ecosystem are questioning what kind of control Oracle might try to exercise over the popular software development platform, which has driven enterprise applications since its debut in 1995. Observers also expect Oracle to make a go of trying to make more money off of Java than Sun ever could.

JavaOne 2009 Content Catalog
Select your search criteria, then click on the ''Start Search'' button.
NOTE: Content subject to change.

JavaOne 2009 - Java 7 talks
Every year (can't believe this is the 3rd year now) I have done a list of Java 7 talks at JavaOne and here's my list for 2009:

The rise and fall of CORBA :
Depending on exactly when one starts counting, CORBA is about 10-15 years old. During its lifetime, CORBA has moved from being a bleeding-edge technology for early adopters, to being a popular middleware, to being a niche technology that exists in relative obscurity. It is instructive to examine why CORBA—despite once being heralded as the "next-generation technology for e-commerce"—suffered this fate. CORBA's history is one that the computing industry has seen many times, and it seems likely that current middleware efforts, specifi cally Web services, will reenact a similar history.

Google Bets Big on HTML 5: News from Google I/O
"Never underestimate the web," says Google VP of Engineering Vic Gundotra in his keynote at Google I/O this morning. He goes on to tell the story of a meeting he remembers when he was VP of Platform Evangelism at Microsoft five years ago. "We believed that web apps would never rival desktop apps. There was this small company called Keyhole, which made this most fantastic geo-visualization
software for Windows. This was the kind of software we always used to prove to ourselves that there were things that could never be done on the web." A few months later, Google acquired Keyhole, and shortly thereafter released Google Maps with satellite view. "We knew then that the web had won," he said. "What was once thought impossible is now commonplace."

Google doesn't want to repeat that mistake, and as a result, he said, "we're betting big on HTML 5." Vic pointed out that the rate of browser innovation is accelerating, with new browser releases nearly every other month. The slide below, from early in Vic's talk, shows the progress towards the level of UI functionality found in desktop apps through adoption of HTML 5 features in browsers. This looks like one
of Clayton Christensen's classic "disruptive innovation vs sustaining innovation" graphs. It's also fascinating to see how mobile browsers are in the forefront of the innovation.

The Developer Insight Series, Part 3: The Process of Writing Code
Over the years, I've heard developers talk about their favorite code, funniest code, most beautiful code, how to write code, how not to write code, the obstacles to writing good code, what they love and hate about writing code, and so on. In the process, I've encountered many insights worth sharing.
Parts One and Two of this series provided advice on how to write good code. In Part Three, developers reflect on the actual process of writing code, how it happens, what it feels like, and how they do it.

The Java NIO.2 File System in JDK 7
JSR 203, a major feature of JDK 7 under the leadership of Sun software engineer Alan Bateman as an OpenJDK project, contains three primary elements that offer new input/output (I/O) APIs for the Java platform:
  • An extensive File I/O API system addresses feature requests that developers have sought since the inception of the JDK.
  • A socket channel API addresses multicasting, socket binding associated with channels, and related issues.
  • An asynchronous I/O API enables mapping to I/O facilities, completion ports, and various I/O event port mechanisms to enhance scalability.
This article provides a basic overview of the first element, the File I/O API. The abbreviation NIO generally refers to new I/O APIs that allow for I/O operations in Java technology. The java.nio, java.nio.channels, and java.nio.charset packages have been in existence since the inclusion of JSR 51 in Java version 1.4.* JSR 203 adds NIO.2 in JDK 7.

Les nouveautés de JDO 2.3

JDO (Java Data Objects), longtemps délaissé au profit d'Hibernate, puis de JPA, a été récemment remis en avant par le support Java de Google App Engine qui préconise l'utilisation de cette API pour assurer la persistance des données dans les applications qu'il héberge.

Andy Jefferson, co-fondateur du projet DataNucleus, vient de poster un tour d'horizon des nouveautés de JDO 2.3 dont l'API est actuellement disponible en early access. Ces nouveautés sont :

  • Metadata API : la définition des classes à persister pouvait jusqu'alors se faire par XML ou par annotations. Cette JDO 2.3 vient ajouter une troisième possibilité avec cette API permettant de définir dynamiquement des classes persistables.
  • Enhancer API : cette API vient en complément de la précédente. En effet dans la mesure où les implémentations de JDO s'appuient sur du bytecode enhancement des classes persistables, il est nécessaire d'offrir aux développeurs un moyen d'invoquer l'enhancer après avoir déclaré dynamiquement une nouvelle classes via la Metadata API.
  • Timeout et annulation de requêtes : dans le monde JPA, ces deux fonctionnalités ne sont pas supportées par la spécification mais seulement en tant qu'extensions propriétaires.
  • Contrôle des verrous en lecture des objets : permet un contrôle fin des objets qui doivent être verrouillés automatiquement lors de la lecture, évitant ainsi d'opérer un verrouillage global.
Répondant à des besoins modernes, ces changements devraient être appréciés par les développeurs. Reste que l'avenir de JDO est flou : ne pouvant rivaliser avec la popularité de JPA, JDO pourrait se maintenir dans des cas d'utilisation particuliers et ainsi perdurer dans les années à venir tout en restant marginal.

What's New in JDO 2.3
Java Data Objects (JDO) is a specification for Java persistence that started in 2000, with 2 major releases JDO1 (2002 under JSR0012) and JDO2 (2006 under JSR0243). It was placed under Apache in 2005 and is the rare example of a specification that has undergone continual improvement during its lifetime, for the last 4 years being developed totally in the open, accepting input from everyone. Most recently it was provided as an integral part of the Google AppEngine for Java [1] JDO 2.3 was started in October 2008, and encompasses additions to the specification in the areas of a metadata API, an enhancer API, addition of cancel/timeout control to queries, and addition of control to the locking of objects when read.

Java Persistence 2.0 Proposed Final Draft

The Java Persistence API (JPA) version 2.0, now in proposed final draft, is a significant update to the specification adding an API for criteria queries, a metamodel API, and support for Bean Validation [JSR 303].

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