- Microsoft et le multi-touch
- La loi de Conway : l'architecture logicielle finie toujours par refléter l'organisation industrielle. C'est une pathologie.
- Android 4.1 : à vos smartphones et tablettes.
- Mise à jour de la spécification des expressions lambda pour Java : JSR 335
- Un type de transistor plus rapide que ceux basés sur le silicium.
- Sortie du COTS DataNucleus en version 3.1. COTS de persistances pour Java compatible JDO (Java Data Object) et JPA (Java Persistance API).
- Le futur du COTS de test d'IHM : FEST.
- C# : en manque d'idée pour la version 5 ?
- Un exemple d'utilisation des modules du JDK 8 : définition et utilisation d'un service.
Microsoft : l'amour du risque
Microsoft enfonce une nouvelle fois le clou : la vedette de sa Worldwide Partner
Conference (WPC) est un nouveau produit matériel. Il s'agit d'un écran multitouch de 82" qui de l'aveu de Steve Ballmer pourrait faire un tabac dans les grandes entreprises et dans le milieu de l'éducation. Une annonce qui pourrait paraître anecdotique, mais qui est en fait très révélatrice.
Architecture and Conway's Law
"…organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce
designs which are copies of the communication structures of these
—Melvin Conway
Android 4.1: Open Sourced with UI, Connectivity, Services and Tools Improvements
The recently open sourced Android 4.1, aka Jelly Bean, comes with several UI, connectivity, services and SDK enhancements, including: smoother UI, better HTML5 rendering, cloud messaging, performance and debugging tools.
JSR 335: Lambda Expressions for the Java Programming Language
Part A: Functional Interfaces: Provides a definition of functional interfaces, which lambda expressions and method references can be used to instantiate.
Part B: Lambda Expressions: Defines the syntax of lambda expressions, including rules for the new kinds of parameter lists and statement lists.
Part C: Method and Constructor References: Defines the syntax of method and constructor references.
Part D: Poly Expressions: Describes poly expressions, which are a category of expressions that can adapt their typing to conform to a particular context.
Part E: Typing and Evaluation: Specifies the typing rules and evaluation behavior of lambda expressions, method references, and constructor references.
Part F: Type Inference: Redefines type inference to support lambda expressions, method references, and constructor references, and to allow context to be pushed down to nested poly expressions.
Part G: Default Methods: Describes the syntax and inheritance behavior of default methods, which are members of interfaces. Adapts the VM specification to support code-carrying methods in interfaces.
High-performance graphene transistors made using sticky tape
Graphene could be a useful material for high-performance transistors because it carries electrons faster than silicon.
Almost a year from the release of version 3.0 and we move close to the release of version 3.1 (due late in July 2012). So what has changed in that time ?
The Future of Fest
'm very excited to be working on FEST again! It has been more than a year since my last commit and there is a lot of catch up for me to do.
I have put together a plan for the project and myself, which I'm going to share with
the rest of the team. The plan is the following:
Eric Lippert Reviews C# and Speculates on its Future
O'Reilly's Rachel Rouemeliotis recently spoke with Eric Lippert, Principal Software Design Engineer on Microsoft's C# Compiler Team. The conversation covered a number of topics and provided Lippert's brief summary of the C# world. This discussion prompted InfoQ to contact Lippert to provide greater context for his comments leading to a thoughtful analysis of the language's design philosophy.
Modular services with OpenJDK Jigsaw and Guice
This blog entry describes an experiment exploring the connection between Java modules and services in OpenJDK Jigsaw and the dependency injection framework Guice.
Modular services in Jigsaw define a very simple way to bind a (service) interface to implementations (service provider classes) and, using java.util.ServiceLoader, a way to iterate through all (service) instances of implementations bound to an interface.
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