dimanche 17 juin 2012

Veille technologique semaine 24

Pour le bulletin de cette semaine, je vous propose les sujets suivants :
  • la disparition de la pellicule des films prévue pour 2013 ?
  • Steve Jobs proposait la disparition (du point de vue de l'utilisateur) du système de fichier, dès 2005. Le système de fichier n'est pas un concept grand public.
  • Microsoft et Google veulent améliorer le protocole http, qui commence à dater.
  • La sortie de la version 5 du framework OSGi.
  • Les cinq anti-patterns du management.
  • Un article sur les écarts de compréhension entre les informaticiens et les non informaticiens.
  • Les différences majeures des types C# et Java.
  • Les expressions lambda et JavaFX

Bonne lecture.

Celluloid no more: distribution of film to cease by 2013 in the US
A recent report from IHS Screen Digest, a company that analyzes trends in digital media, says that movie studios will cease producing 35 mm film prints for major markets by the end of 2013 (the US, France, the UK, Japan, and Australia are considered "major markets"). IHS predicts studios will stop producing film for the rest of the world by 2015.

Quand Steve Jobs annonçait la fin des systèmes de fichiers
À quelques jours de l'ouverture de la conférence des développeurs (WWDC), les rumeurs fleurissent sur la toile. À chaque nouvelle version d'un système, beaucoup rêvent d'un système de fichiers pour iOS et d'un tout nouveau Finder pour Mac OS X. Si ce dernier évolue lors de chaque mise à jour, il est loin de connaître la ou les révolutions attendues par certains.

Google and Microsoft Want to Improve HTTP
Google and Microsoft want to improve HTTP with SPDY and Speed+Mobility. This article reviews both proposals outlining what benefits they bring to the much used Internet protocol.
Along with W3C, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is coordinating efforts related to network routing, transport, and security, including the specification proposal for RFC 2616 on HTTP 1.1 elaborated in 1999 and signed by Roy Fielding and T. Berners-Lee among others. More than 12 years have passed since the last HTTP version was adopted, and some have drawn the attention that the highly used Internet protocol needs to be enhanced in order to face the needs of this time. A number of proposals have been submitted to IETF for HTTP 2.0, including Google SPDY and Microsoft HTTP Speed+Mobility. Both proposals mentioned are backward compatible with previous versions of the protocol, trying to built on existing infrastructure.

OSGi Release 5 Specifications add Repositories and Version Ranges
The OSGi Alliance have released the specifications for Release 5 of their namesake framework, standardising the OSGi Bundle Repository (known as OBR), using the generic capability requirements model, and introducing programmatic access to version ranges. The specifications can be downloaded, and will be implemented by the upcoming release of Equinox 3.8 available in June, as well as Apache Felix 4.0.

5 Common Antipatterns in Software Project Management
  • Overplanning/analysis/meetings
  • Project mismanagement
  • Wrong choices of staff motivation techniques
  • Wrong selection of metrics and evaluation methods
  • Documentation strategy mistakes

The Developer/Non-Developer Impedance Mismatch
Most software developers have probably heard of and even had experiences with the object-relational impedance mismatch (often addressed with ORM tools), the object-XML impedance mismatch (often addressed with OXM tools), and even the developer-DBA impedance mismatch. I don't believe that these impedance mismatches are as difficult as they are sometimes made out to be, but for those wishing to mitigate them, we have tools such as Java Persistence API implementations and JDO implementations for dealing with the object-relational mismatch (and some of the developer-DBA impedance mismatch) and
similarly have approaches such as JAXB, XMLBeans, JiBX and Apache Commons Digester for dealing with the object-XML mismatch (and .NET's LINQ deals with both ORM and OXM mismatches). At this point in my career, I believe the developer/non-developer impedance mismatch is perhaps the most frustrating impedance mismatch I have run into.

5 Differences Between C# and Java: Data Types
The line between desktop development and web-based applications has been all but obliterated in the last few years. With the advent of smartphones, especially Google's Java-based Android operating system, developers are scrambling to jump onto the newest technology, while fearing that the skills they have cultivated over the years may become obsolete.
Many former C++ and C# programmers are migrating their way to Java applications. While the languages are remarkably similar (as Java was built around the C and C++ structures in the 1990s), a few subtle differences can trip up even the most experienced developers.

Using Lambda Expressions of Java 8 in Java FX event handlers
Note: The Project Lambda (JSR-335) to be added in Java 8 is evolving and the sample here is how one can use Lambdas with the current Java8 build downloaded from here. I will try to update the sample if there are any changes in the API in future.
I thought it will be good to get a peak of how Lambda Expressions can be used with JavaFX or for that matter any Single Abstract Method (SAM) types. Lets build a sample with just one toggle button and change the text of the toggle as and when it is selected/un-selected.

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