Pour le bulletin de cette semaine, je vous propose les sujets suivants :
Oracle accepts $0 in damages from Google, moves toward appeal
Oracle has agreed to accept zero dollars worth of damages from Google, three weeks after losing the major portions of the case in which Oracle accused Google of violating Java patents and copyrights in Android.
With 16 petaflops and 1.6M cores, DOE supercomputer is world's fastest
In the latest Top 500 Supercomputer Sites list unveiled Monday morning, a newly assembled cluster built with IBM hardware at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) takes the top prize. Its speed? A whopping 16.32 petaflops, or 16 thousand trillion calculations per second. With 96 racks, 98,304 compute nodes, 1.6 million cores, and 1.6 petabytes of memory across 4,500 square feet, the IBM Blue Gene/Q system installed at LLNL overtakes the 10-petaflop, 705,000-core "K computer" in Japan's RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science.
ReRam : une puce mémoire 100 fois plus rapide
Des chercheurs britanniques pensent avoir mis au point une mémoire cent fois plus rapide que la NAND Flash. La RAM résistive, ou ReRAM, consiste en des puces composées d'oxyde de métal qui disposent d'une propriété résistive et changent d'état en fonction de la tension appliquée sur celles-ci. Cette valeur résistive induite est enregistrée même si la tension n'y est plus appliquée, par exemple dans le cas d'une mise hors tension du système.
La mémoire du futur ?
Une première application concrète de la ReRAM
Pour l'industrie électronique la ReRAM est une sorte de Saint Graal de la mémoire. En développement depuis très longtemps, 1971, elle permettrait un bond énorme, encore bien plus important que celui de l'arrivée des SSD. En résumé, la ReRAM a des performances similaires à la DRAM (mémoire vive) tout en ayant l'avantage de la FLASH, permettre de conserver les données sans avoir à être alimentée en permanence.
Dans le détail la ReRAM est composée d'unités élémentaires les memristors qui peuvent changer de résistance en fonction de la tension qui leur sont appliquée et ainsi stocker des 0 ou des 1. Contrairement à la FLASH NAND, ils n'y a pas besoin d'effacer les memristors avant de leur donner un nouvel état et on peut créer des blocks de 512 bits plutôt que quelques Ko.
Microsoft unveils Surface tablets, powered by Windows 8
The Earth-shattering Microsoft announcement we've been waiting for is finally here. As several pre-event rumors suggested, Microsoft is indeed building its own tablet.
Make that two tablets. One Windows RT tablet runs an NVIDIA Tegra 3 ARM processor and the other Windows 8 Pro tablet runs Intel's Ivy Bridge Core i5 chips. One thing that looks really cool are new magnetic covers that are quite reminiscent of Apple's "Smart Cover" for the iPad. But it's a lot smarter—Microsoft's cover actually includes a multitouch trackpad and a keyboard.
There are two, as we explain in this story: a Touch Cover with virtual keys and a Type Cover with a tactile keyboard and touchpad.
Programme de JavaOne
Modules in the Java Language and VM
Project Jigsaw
Current javadoc
Project Jigsaw: Modular services
Services are a simple but effective way to decouple interface and implementation.
The class java.util.ServiceLoader was introduced in Java SE 6 and formalized a pattern that many developers were already implementing prior to SE 6 (especially for JSR implementations).
Unsigned Integer Arithmetic API now in JDK 8
At long last, after due discussion and review, I've just pushed initial API support for unsigned integer arithmetic into JDK 8! The support is implemented via static methods, primarily on java.lang.Integer and java.lang.Long, that:
Parallel Programming with .NET
Async/Await FAQ
From time to time, I receive questions from developers which highlight either a need for more information about the new "async" and "await" keywords in C# and Visual Basic. I've been cataloguing these questions, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to share my answers to them.
Conceptual Overview
Where can I get a good overview of the async/await keywords?
Generally, you can find lots of resources (links to articles, videos, blogs, etc.) on the Visual Studio Async page at http://msdn.com/async. To call out just a few specific resources, the October 2011 issue of MSDN Magazine included a trio of articles that provided a good introduction to the topic. If you read them all, I recommend you read them in the following order:
1. Asynchronous Programming: Easier Asynchronous Programming with the New Visual Studio Async CTP
2. Asynchronous Programming: Pause and Play with Await
3. Asynchronous Programming: Understanding the Costs of Async and Await
The .NET team blog also includes a good overview of asynchrony in .NET 4.5: Async in 4.5: Worth the Await.
- Suite au procès, Oracle accepte 0$ de dédommagement de la part de Google et fait appel.
- IBM installe le calculateur le plus puissant de la planète : 16,32 petaflops, ou 16 thousand trillion calculations per second, avec 98.304 calculateurs, 1,6 million de coeurs, et 1,6 petabytes de mémoire.
- Des chercheurs ont mis au point une mémoire 100 fois plus rapide que la NAND flash actuelle : la ReRAM.
- Microsoft annonce Surface, une tablette qui utilise Windows 8.
- Le programme de la plus grande conférence de l'éco-système JavaOne 2012 est disponible en ligne.
- Les premiers exemples de modularité de la plate-forme Java (pour le JDK 8) avec le projet Jigsaw : à votre services.
- Les premières API du JDK 8 avec des entiers non signés.
- La programmation asynchrone en C# avec DotNet 4.5.
Oracle accepts $0 in damages from Google, moves toward appeal
Oracle has agreed to accept zero dollars worth of damages from Google, three weeks after losing the major portions of the case in which Oracle accused Google of violating Java patents and copyrights in Android.
With 16 petaflops and 1.6M cores, DOE supercomputer is world's fastest
In the latest Top 500 Supercomputer Sites list unveiled Monday morning, a newly assembled cluster built with IBM hardware at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) takes the top prize. Its speed? A whopping 16.32 petaflops, or 16 thousand trillion calculations per second. With 96 racks, 98,304 compute nodes, 1.6 million cores, and 1.6 petabytes of memory across 4,500 square feet, the IBM Blue Gene/Q system installed at LLNL overtakes the 10-petaflop, 705,000-core "K computer" in Japan's RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science.
ReRam : une puce mémoire 100 fois plus rapide
Des chercheurs britanniques pensent avoir mis au point une mémoire cent fois plus rapide que la NAND Flash. La RAM résistive, ou ReRAM, consiste en des puces composées d'oxyde de métal qui disposent d'une propriété résistive et changent d'état en fonction de la tension appliquée sur celles-ci. Cette valeur résistive induite est enregistrée même si la tension n'y est plus appliquée, par exemple dans le cas d'une mise hors tension du système.
La mémoire du futur ?
Une première application concrète de la ReRAM
Pour l'industrie électronique la ReRAM est une sorte de Saint Graal de la mémoire. En développement depuis très longtemps, 1971, elle permettrait un bond énorme, encore bien plus important que celui de l'arrivée des SSD. En résumé, la ReRAM a des performances similaires à la DRAM (mémoire vive) tout en ayant l'avantage de la FLASH, permettre de conserver les données sans avoir à être alimentée en permanence.
Dans le détail la ReRAM est composée d'unités élémentaires les memristors qui peuvent changer de résistance en fonction de la tension qui leur sont appliquée et ainsi stocker des 0 ou des 1. Contrairement à la FLASH NAND, ils n'y a pas besoin d'effacer les memristors avant de leur donner un nouvel état et on peut créer des blocks de 512 bits plutôt que quelques Ko.
Microsoft unveils Surface tablets, powered by Windows 8
The Earth-shattering Microsoft announcement we've been waiting for is finally here. As several pre-event rumors suggested, Microsoft is indeed building its own tablet.
Make that two tablets. One Windows RT tablet runs an NVIDIA Tegra 3 ARM processor and the other Windows 8 Pro tablet runs Intel's Ivy Bridge Core i5 chips. One thing that looks really cool are new magnetic covers that are quite reminiscent of Apple's "Smart Cover" for the iPad. But it's a lot smarter—Microsoft's cover actually includes a multitouch trackpad and a keyboard.
There are two, as we explain in this story: a Touch Cover with virtual keys and a Type Cover with a tactile keyboard and touchpad.
Programme de JavaOne
Modules in the Java Language and VM
Table of Contents
Project Jigsaw
Current javadoc
Project Jigsaw: Modular services
Service interface: An interface or class
Service interface module: A module which exports [a package containing] a service interface
Service provider class: A non-abstract class which implements/extends a service interface
Service provider module: A module which binds a service interface to a
service provider class in the module via “provides service ... with ...”
Service consumer module: A module which denotes it's use of a service interface via “requires [optional] service ...”
Service (interface) instance: An object whose class is a service provider class. The vast majority of references to such an object are made through it's implemented service interface
Services are a simple but effective way to decouple interface and implementation.
The class java.util.ServiceLoader was introduced in Java SE 6 and formalized a pattern that many developers were already implementing prior to SE 6 (especially for JSR implementations).
Unsigned Integer Arithmetic API now in JDK 8
At long last, after due discussion and review, I've just pushed initial API support for unsigned integer arithmetic into JDK 8! The support is implemented via static methods, primarily on java.lang.Integer and java.lang.Long, that:
- Provide bidirectional conversion between strings and unsigned integers
- Compare values as unsigned
- Compute unsigned divide and remainder
Parallel Programming with .NET
Async/Await FAQ
From time to time, I receive questions from developers which highlight either a need for more information about the new "async" and "await" keywords in C# and Visual Basic. I've been cataloguing these questions, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to share my answers to them.
Conceptual Overview
Where can I get a good overview of the async/await keywords?
Generally, you can find lots of resources (links to articles, videos, blogs, etc.) on the Visual Studio Async page at http://msdn.com/async. To call out just a few specific resources, the October 2011 issue of MSDN Magazine included a trio of articles that provided a good introduction to the topic. If you read them all, I recommend you read them in the following order:
1. Asynchronous Programming: Easier Asynchronous Programming with the New Visual Studio Async CTP
2. Asynchronous Programming: Pause and Play with Await
3. Asynchronous Programming: Understanding the Costs of Async and Await
The .NET team blog also includes a good overview of asynchrony in .NET 4.5: Async in 4.5: Worth the Await.