Pour le bulletin de la semaine 16, je vous propose les sujets suivants :
Bonne lecture.
Succès pour l'édition 2012 de Devoxx France, annonce de l'édition 2013.
L'édition 2012 de Devoxx France est un succès. Les chiffres viennent de tomber :
• 3 jours de conférence ;
• 133 présentations sélectionnées parmi 488 propositions ;
• 199 orateurs ;
• 36 JUG et UG ;
• 1250 participants (450 initialement prévus).
Du coup l'annonce tombe : Devoxx France 2013 est déjà au programme.
Modern C++ vs Managed Code: Performance vs Productivity
An interesting discussion about the merits of native code versus Just-In-Time based systems has recently taken place with Herb Sutter of Microsoft and Miguel de Icaza of Mono both providing insightful commentary. Taken together they have provided an informative look at the current state-of-the-art in between native and managed code.
Herb Sutter began by answering the question, "When will better JITs save managed code?" Sutter summarizes his position with the statement that "C++ and managed languages make different fundamental tradeoffs that opt for either performance or productivity when they are in tension." Sutter views C++ as settling the tradeoff by opting for performance whereas managed languages (which he defines as Java/NET) opt for programmer productivity.
Android, le casse-tête économique de Google
Si Android a séduit la majeure partie des consommateurs avec 50 % de parts de marché, le bilan économique est cependant bien moins éclatant pour l'OS mobile de Google. Au point que certains observateurs s'interrogent sur la pertinence de l'initiative de Google : n'aurait-elle pas mieux fait de s'en tenir à un bien plus fructueux partenariat avec Apple ?
State of the Lambda: Libraries Edition
This is an informal overview of the major proposed library enhancements to take advantage of new language features, primarily lambda expressions and extension methods, specified by JSR 335 and implemented in the OpenJDK Lambda Project. This document describes the design approach taken in the rough prototype that has been implemented in the Lambda Project repository. It is intended as a working straw-man proposal; the final version may look different, but there is a working design and implementation that may now serve as a jumping-off point for discussions.
Java 8 virtual extension methods
I've been following the evolution of the Java 8 Lambda expressions project for a while now, and I'm really thrilled by its current state of progress. The latest "easy-to-understand" presentation I've found is this one:
Now, as an API designer, I'm particularly interested in the concept of virtual extension methods and I was wondering whether it was also considered to introduce "final" extension methods as opposed to "default" ones. For example:
Introduction à la programmation concurrente en Java (2/2)
Dans un précédent article, nous avons vu comment lancer plusieurs threads pour exécuter des traitements concurrents en Java, manuellement ou via le framework Executor.
Dans cet article, nous étudierons les problèmes qui se posent lorsque plusieurs threads tentent d'accéder simultanément à une ressource, ainsi que quelques techniques simples pour les résoudre.
Best Practices for JavaFX 2.0 Enterprise Applications (Part One)
This article, which is part one of a two-part series, focuses on using best practices for developing enterprise applications in JavaFX 2.0.
JavaFX 2.0 is an API and runtime for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). JavaFX was introduced in 2007, and version 2.0 was released in October 2011. One of the advantages of JavaFX 2.0 is that the code can be written in the Java language using mature and familiar tools.
This article, which is part one of a two-part series, focuses on using best practices for developing enterprise applications in JavaFX 2.0.
- la conférence Devoxx qui a eut lieu à Paris, du 18 au 20 avril, a été un succès. L'édition 2013 est déjà prévue.
- un article sur les choix technologiques : la productivité versus les performances.
- le modèle économique d'Android : le casse tête de Google.
- Les expressions lambdas du JDK 8 : conséquence sur les API des collections : requêtes, filtrage et itérations multi-threadées.
- Les virtual extension methods du JDK 8 : pour les évolutions des API collections.
- Le deuxième article au sujet de la programmation concurrente en Java.
- L'utilisation de JavaFX dans les entreprises : les bonnes pratiques.
Bonne lecture.
Succès pour l'édition 2012 de Devoxx France, annonce de l'édition 2013.
L'édition 2012 de Devoxx France est un succès. Les chiffres viennent de tomber :
• 3 jours de conférence ;
• 133 présentations sélectionnées parmi 488 propositions ;
• 199 orateurs ;
• 36 JUG et UG ;
• 1250 participants (450 initialement prévus).
Du coup l'annonce tombe : Devoxx France 2013 est déjà au programme.
Modern C++ vs Managed Code: Performance vs Productivity
An interesting discussion about the merits of native code versus Just-In-Time based systems has recently taken place with Herb Sutter of Microsoft and Miguel de Icaza of Mono both providing insightful commentary. Taken together they have provided an informative look at the current state-of-the-art in between native and managed code.
Herb Sutter began by answering the question, "When will better JITs save managed code?" Sutter summarizes his position with the statement that "C++ and managed languages make different fundamental tradeoffs that opt for either performance or productivity when they are in tension." Sutter views C++ as settling the tradeoff by opting for performance whereas managed languages (which he defines as Java/NET) opt for programmer productivity.
Android, le casse-tête économique de Google
Si Android a séduit la majeure partie des consommateurs avec 50 % de parts de marché, le bilan économique est cependant bien moins éclatant pour l'OS mobile de Google. Au point que certains observateurs s'interrogent sur la pertinence de l'initiative de Google : n'aurait-elle pas mieux fait de s'en tenir à un bien plus fructueux partenariat avec Apple ?
State of the Lambda: Libraries Edition
This is an informal overview of the major proposed library enhancements to take advantage of new language features, primarily lambda expressions and extension methods, specified by JSR 335 and implemented in the OpenJDK Lambda Project. This document describes the design approach taken in the rough prototype that has been implemented in the Lambda Project repository. It is intended as a working straw-man proposal; the final version may look different, but there is a working design and implementation that may now serve as a jumping-off point for discussions.
Java 8 virtual extension methods
I've been following the evolution of the Java 8 Lambda expressions project for a while now, and I'm really thrilled by its current state of progress. The latest "easy-to-understand" presentation I've found is this one:
Now, as an API designer, I'm particularly interested in the concept of virtual extension methods and I was wondering whether it was also considered to introduce "final" extension methods as opposed to "default" ones. For example:
Introduction à la programmation concurrente en Java (2/2)
Dans un précédent article, nous avons vu comment lancer plusieurs threads pour exécuter des traitements concurrents en Java, manuellement ou via le framework Executor.
Dans cet article, nous étudierons les problèmes qui se posent lorsque plusieurs threads tentent d'accéder simultanément à une ressource, ainsi que quelques techniques simples pour les résoudre.
Best Practices for JavaFX 2.0 Enterprise Applications (Part One)
This article, which is part one of a two-part series, focuses on using best practices for developing enterprise applications in JavaFX 2.0.
JavaFX 2.0 is an API and runtime for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). JavaFX was introduced in 2007, and version 2.0 was released in October 2011. One of the advantages of JavaFX 2.0 is that the code can be written in the Java language using mature and familiar tools.
This article, which is part one of a two-part series, focuses on using best practices for developing enterprise applications in JavaFX 2.0.
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