Pour le bulletin de cette semaine, je vous propose les sujets suivants :
Bonne lecture.
Transistor MOS 3D Tri-Gate : Intel ajoute la 3D aux processeurs
Intel dévoile un nouveau type de transistor Metal Oxide Semiconductor, qui fait l'effet d'une bombe : 3D Tri-Gate vise des performances plus élevées pour un coût à peine supérieur au transistor MOS classique.
Faut il avoir peur du Cloud ? Il semblerait que oui…
Le Cloud Computing est une lame de fond inévitable tant il offre d'opportunités pour les entreprises : élasticité, paiement à la consommation, externalisation de la « plomberie informatique », etc. Il provoque cependant d'importantes remises en cause et craintes au sein de leurs DSI.
Oracle Announces NetBeans IDE 7.0 with Support for JDK 7 Developer Preview
Allowing users to take advantage of latest developments in Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), NetBeans IDE 7.0 introduces language support for development to the upcoming JDK 7 release, currently available as a Developer Preview. Additional enhancements include new support for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 and Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 and full integration of Oracle WebLogic Server. New support for Oracle Database is included, as well as Apache Maven 3 and HTML5 editing support, and enhancements to the Java editor. In addition, an improved and far more intuitive GridBagLayout visual designer has been integrated for Swing GUI development.
A metaphor for Model Driven Engineering
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article introducing a framework for Model-Driven SOA. This article doesn't stand on its own, it's based on earlier pieces on Model-Driven SOA and observations that Model-Driven Engineering should focus on the problem domain. However, I'm noticing that these articles can be hard to grasp if you have no background knowledge. That's why I want to explain Model-Driven Engineering using a simple metaphor I often use in my presentations.
The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
The biggest sea change in software development since the OO revolution is knocking at the door, and its name is Concurrency. This article appeared in Dr. Dobb's Journal, 30(3), March 2005. A much briefer version under the title "The Concurrency Revolution" appeared in C/C++ Users Journal, 23(2), February 2005.
Getting Started with Parallel Programming
Multi-core computers have shifted the burden of software performance from chip designers to software architects and developers. In order to gain the full benefits of this new hardware, we need to parallelize our code. The goal of this article is to introduce you to parallelism, its different types and to help you understand when to parallelize your code - and when not to. We will also examine some of the tool options developers have today for building parallel applications.
Introduction to parallelism
Scala 2.9.0 Introduces Parallel Collections
Together with last week's announcement of the new Scala company Typesafe, the latest major version 2.9.0 of Scala was released. Compared to last years Scala 2.8 release, 2.9 contains a much smaller amount of new features and concentrated on improvements and bug fixes of existing ones. The primary new feature of Scala 2.9 are the parallel collections, which are built on the same abstractions and provide the same interfaces as the existing collection implementations.
From the release notes:
Every collection may be converted into a corresponding parallel collection with the new `par` method. Parallel collections utilize multicore processors by implementing bulk operations such as `foreach`, `map`, `filter` etc. in parallel.
Behind the Scenes of Serialization in Java
When building distributed applications one of the central performance-critical components is serialization. Most modern frameworks make it very easy to send data over the wire. In many cases you don't see at all what is going on behind the
scenes. Choosing the right serialization strategy however is central for achieving good performance and scalability. Serialization problems affect CPU, memory, network load and response times.
Sérialiser des objets non sérialisables
Le mécanisme de sérialisation de Java permet de compresser un graphe d'objets sous une forme compacte, transportable hors de la JVM, puis de reconstituer ces objets en mémoire - à condition qu'ils implementent Serializable.
Dans cet article, je vous propose de découvrir et de tirer parti de certaines options méconnues pour sérialiser des objets n'implémentant pas Serializable - et sans même les modifier !
- un résumé sur le transistor en 3D annoncé par Intel : le Transistor MOS 3D Tri-Gate
- l'externalisation du système d'information : le cloud et la DSI
- sortie de la version 7 de NetBeans avec le support du JDK 7.
- Une métaphore du Model Driven Engineering
- Trois articles sur la programmation concurrente : the free lunch is over : la prochaine révolution dans l'informatique : la programmation concurrent (multi- tâche) natif dans les langages de programmation.
La sortie de la version scala 2.9 qui propose des collections où un ensemble d'opérations (itération, recherche, ...) sont multitâches (multi-threadées).
- Deux article sur la sérialisation Java : derrière la scène et sans Sérialisable.
Bonne lecture.
Transistor MOS 3D Tri-Gate : Intel ajoute la 3D aux processeurs
Intel dévoile un nouveau type de transistor Metal Oxide Semiconductor, qui fait l'effet d'une bombe : 3D Tri-Gate vise des performances plus élevées pour un coût à peine supérieur au transistor MOS classique.
Faut il avoir peur du Cloud ? Il semblerait que oui…
Le Cloud Computing est une lame de fond inévitable tant il offre d'opportunités pour les entreprises : élasticité, paiement à la consommation, externalisation de la « plomberie informatique », etc. Il provoque cependant d'importantes remises en cause et craintes au sein de leurs DSI.
Oracle Announces NetBeans IDE 7.0 with Support for JDK 7 Developer Preview
Allowing users to take advantage of latest developments in Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE), NetBeans IDE 7.0 introduces language support for development to the upcoming JDK 7 release, currently available as a Developer Preview. Additional enhancements include new support for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 and Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 and full integration of Oracle WebLogic Server. New support for Oracle Database is included, as well as Apache Maven 3 and HTML5 editing support, and enhancements to the Java editor. In addition, an improved and far more intuitive GridBagLayout visual designer has been integrated for Swing GUI development.
A metaphor for Model Driven Engineering
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article introducing a framework for Model-Driven SOA. This article doesn't stand on its own, it's based on earlier pieces on Model-Driven SOA and observations that Model-Driven Engineering should focus on the problem domain. However, I'm noticing that these articles can be hard to grasp if you have no background knowledge. That's why I want to explain Model-Driven Engineering using a simple metaphor I often use in my presentations.
The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software
The biggest sea change in software development since the OO revolution is knocking at the door, and its name is Concurrency. This article appeared in Dr. Dobb's Journal, 30(3), March 2005. A much briefer version under the title "The Concurrency Revolution" appeared in C/C++ Users Journal, 23(2), February 2005.
Getting Started with Parallel Programming
Multi-core computers have shifted the burden of software performance from chip designers to software architects and developers. In order to gain the full benefits of this new hardware, we need to parallelize our code. The goal of this article is to introduce you to parallelism, its different types and to help you understand when to parallelize your code - and when not to. We will also examine some of the tool options developers have today for building parallel applications.
Introduction to parallelism
Scala 2.9.0 Introduces Parallel Collections
Together with last week's announcement of the new Scala company Typesafe, the latest major version 2.9.0 of Scala was released. Compared to last years Scala 2.8 release, 2.9 contains a much smaller amount of new features and concentrated on improvements and bug fixes of existing ones. The primary new feature of Scala 2.9 are the parallel collections, which are built on the same abstractions and provide the same interfaces as the existing collection implementations.
From the release notes:
Every collection may be converted into a corresponding parallel collection with the new `par` method. Parallel collections utilize multicore processors by implementing bulk operations such as `foreach`, `map`, `filter` etc. in parallel.
Behind the Scenes of Serialization in Java
When building distributed applications one of the central performance-critical components is serialization. Most modern frameworks make it very easy to send data over the wire. In many cases you don't see at all what is going on behind the
scenes. Choosing the right serialization strategy however is central for achieving good performance and scalability. Serialization problems affect CPU, memory, network load and response times.
Sérialiser des objets non sérialisables
Le mécanisme de sérialisation de Java permet de compresser un graphe d'objets sous une forme compacte, transportable hors de la JVM, puis de reconstituer ces objets en mémoire - à condition qu'ils implementent Serializable.
Dans cet article, je vous propose de découvrir et de tirer parti de certaines options méconnues pour sérialiser des objets n'implémentant pas Serializable - et sans même les modifier !
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