Pour le bulletin de cette semaine, je vous propose les sujets suivants :
- Microsoft change de stratégie pour sa technologie Silverlight : elle devient uniquement pour le client lourd (plus pour le Web), et Microsoft confirme son orientation pour le HTML 5 sur le client léger. C'est une annonce majeur pour le soutient du HTML 5.
- Adobe a fait une démonstration d'un outil de conversion de flash en HTML 5.
- L'université de l'Illinois propose une version de programmation concurrente du langage Java pour bénéficier d'un comportement d'exécution parallèle déterministe : pour alimenter les processeurs multi-cores : Deterministic Parallel Java (DPJ).
- Quelques règles de bon sens pour faire des diagrammes UML utilisables.
- La gestion correcte de la transparence des composants d'IHM Swing : exemple sur le gestion de la propriété opaque.
- L'interface Iterable du JDK : comment ça marche.
- Les derniers benchs des langages de programmation : ce sont des mesures de performance qui comparent les mêmes algorithmes de calcul sur des implémentations de différent langages, avec une normalisation à 1 pour le plus rapide. Le C est le plus rapide normalisé à 1, Java 6 en mode steady est à 1,3 plus lent, l'ADA 2005 est 2 fois plus lent, C# est 3,1 fois plus lent, Java en mode interpréteur est 20 fois plus lent, Ruby est 38 fois plus lent et PHP est 58 plus lent. Il faut noter que ces mesures ne mettent pas en oeuvre beaucoups d'objets et ne mesure pas la productivité.
Bonne lecture.
Silverlight, HTML5, and Microsoft's opaque development strategy
For reasons that are not immediately clear to me, it seems that a lot of developers who attended Microsoft's recent PDC event were surprised to hear that the company now sees HTML5 as the way forward for developing rich Internet applications—and not, as they had been expecting, Silverlight. Their surprise surprises me, because past statements by the company had already made this repositioning obvious, though perhaps not explicit.
Silverlight Is for the Client, HTML5 for the Web
After saying about Silverlight that "our strategy has shifted" during PDC 2010, Bob Muglia attempted to clarify what he meant. Steve Ballmer and Tim Heuer also commented on Silverlight, trying to reassure the community on Microsoft's commitment to Silverlight, but also pointing to the fact that HTML5 is the solution for cross-platform development, leaving Silverlight to the client and Windows Phone.
Adobe shows off Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tool
Even though its Flash technology is used as a punching bag by Web standards fans, Adobe has been building tools that embrace HTML5. The company recently released its own HTML5 video player, and Adobe Illustrator and Dreamweaver CS5 now contain a number of new HTML5 export tools.
Parallel Java Programming System Launched by University
A team of researchers at the University of Illinois' Universal Parallel Computing Research Center (UPCRC) has developed a parallel implementation of Java.
With an emerging need for programs that take advantage of today's multicore and parallel systems, the University of Illinois has come up with an effort to deliver a parallel version of the Java language.
Deterministic Parallel Java
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Project Overview
The broad goal of our project is to provide deterministic-by-default semantics for an object oriented, imperative parallel language, using primarily compile-time checking. "Deterministic" means that the program produces the same visible output for a given input, in all executions. "By default" means that deterministic behavior is guaranteed unless the programmer explicitly requests nondeterminism. This is in contrast to today's shared-memory programming models (e.g., threads and locks), which are inherently non deterministic and can even have undetected data races. Our paper at HotPar 2009 states our research goals in more detail. The other pages of this site provide additional information about the DPJ type system and language.
Better UML diagrams in 5 easy steps
Documenting code can be a time consuming challenge, especially when dealing with unfamiliar spaghetti code.
Diagrams and UML tools can help with this but what appears to be a comprehensive diagram to one person might actually result in more confusion to someone else. It's important to maintain a clear idea of what concepts your diagram is conveying. There are several tricks I've found that make this task significantly easier.
- Less is more
- Highlight stumbling blocks
- Images cannot survive in a vacuum
- Organization and accessibility are key
- Maintain your diagrams
- (BONUS) Multiple versions
Custom Swing Component Development Tip: Not Everything is Transparent
This article explains transparency (opacity) and how to avoid some common pitfalls encountered when developing custom swing comppnents The previous article in this series, titled Insets Matter [1], introduced us to a new Swing developer named Toni and documented his efforts to create a custom swing component named the Orb. The purpose of the Orb is to draw a simple blue circle within the bounds of the component.
Au coeur du JDK : l'interface Iterable
Connaissez-vous l'interface java.lang.Iterable ?
Mais si, vous la connaissez : vous l'utilisez tous les jours, lorsque vous parcourez une Collection. Hé bien, voyons maintenant comment vous pouvez l'utiliser à votre avantage lorsque vous concevez un modèle objet.
Iterable, mode d'emploi
Computer Language Benchmarks Game
How big is the difference between programming languages?
Remember - these measurements are just of the fastest programs for each programming
language implementation, measured on this OS/machine.
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