- une soirée sur Google Web Toolkit (GWT) par le club Java de Paris : le 4 novembre.
- une conférence gratuite sur l'open sources proposée par Xebia et Skills Matter : le 12 novembre à la Défense.
- une journée sur le framework Spring à la Défense : le 13 novembre.
- une présentation sur JEE 6 par SUN le 12 décembre à Paris.
- La stratégie de Microsoft au sujet du model driven : le modèle devient l'application
- un article d'IBM au sujet des architectures SOA (Services oriented Architecture) et EDA (Event Driven Architecture) : les deux style d'architectures sont complémentaires : le terme EDSOA (Event Driven Service Oriented Architecture) est proposé par BEA.
- La programmation concurrente (multi-thread) pour la plate-forme DotNet 4 : le multicore demande au logiciel de prendre en compte cette évolution des architectures des processeurs : pour DotNet 4, cela sera intégré au langage C#.
- un article sur Java Efficace, deuxième édition, de Joshua Bloch : c'est un livre dont la lecture devrait être obligatoire à tout développeur Java, avec interrogation.
- un exemple d'utilisation de l'interropérabilité de Java2D et OpenGL (jogl) possible depuis le JDK 6.
- enfin un exemple de singleton avec les EJB 3.1 : @Singleton, le design pattern est pris en compte par le conteneur EJB.
Bonne lecture.
Rencontres Spring 2008 - 13 novembre - Paris
Le 13 novembre à La Défense auront lieu "les rencontres Spring". Cet événement exceptionnel sera l'occasion de rencontrer les personnes qui sont à l'origine du framework Spring, et de voir quelles sont les grandes orientations du portefeuille de projets Spring dans l'avenir.
En particulier, nous aurons les interventions des personnes suivantes :
· Juergen Hoeller <http://www.springsource.com/people/jhoeller> (SpringSource), co-fondateur et principal développeur du framework Spring, qui parlera de Spring 3.0
· Peter Cooper-Ellis <http://www.springsource.com/management> (SpringSource), senior vice-president of engineering de SpringSource, qui donnera des informations sur la roadmap des produits Spring
· Mark Thomas <http://www.springsource.com/people/mthomas> (SpringSource), principal contributeur au projet Apache Tomcat, qui parlera de l'utilisation de Tomcat en production avec Spring
Les places sont gratuites et obligatoirement en nombre limité! L'événement se passe à Paris-La Défense.
Première Conférence Open Source Exchange!
A l'occasion de l'annonce du partenariat qu'ils ont scellé, Skills Matter & Xebia vous donnent rendez-vous pour ce premier Open Source Exchange à Paris, le 12 novembre 2008. Cet événement gratuit est une occasion unique de partager votre expérience avec des autres experts de l'Open Source. Venez écouter ce qui est nouveau dans le monde de Java EE 6 et GlassFish, eXo Web oS, Hadoop & Groovy.
Cet évènement s'adresse à tout public souhaitant mieux connaître le monde de l'open source. L'évènement est gratuit mais compte tenu du nombre limité de places, il est indispensable de s'inscrire auparavant en remplissant le formulaire suivant.
Journée gratuite "GlassFish et Java" le Vendredi 12 décembre à Paris
chez Sun au 42, avenue d'iéna à Paris.
Sujets traités: GlassFish, Java EE 6, Grizzly Comet, Jersey, OpenMQ, JavaFX, MySQL, OpenSSO, OpenESB, partenaires, retours d'expérience.
Speakers: Roberto Chinnici (spec lead), Richard Bair (tech lead), Paul Sandoz (spec lead), Linda Schneider (tech lead), Jean-François Arcand (tech lead), etc...
Plus de détails et ouverture des inscriptions dans quelques jours, nombre de places (très) limité.
Soirée Google Web Toolkit (04/11/2008)
Mardi 4 novembre 2008, Dans les locaux de l'ISEP
Microsoft's Modeling Strategy
The foundation of Microsoft's vision for their new model-driven service-oriented architecture (SOA) - Oslo project, model driven development would bridge the gap between business analysts and IT, delivering on the SOA promise to align application development with business needs.
Model-driven development is the missing ingredient that the industry has been looking for. Oslo will be the anchor for a new generation of app development that uses model-driven development, but takes it mainstream. Rather than having models being imported and exported and generating code, the model is the application and that breaks down the silos. We're creating a general purpose set of modeling tools, modeling language and repository that can bridge all the various types of models that describe an application and move models to the center of application development. Models then become the app.
[UML is] one of the standards Microsoft needs to support, but it's not the only one. We think of it as one of the important modeling notations, but it's not the only one. Microsoft plans wide support for a range of modeling tools from its own basic Visio diagramming product to UML, but also including other language requirements such as business process modeling notation (BPMN)
Combining Service-Oriented Architecture and Event-Driven Architecture using an Enterprise Service Bus
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) are two different paradigms that address complex integration challenges. How can organizations choose the better approach to meet their needs? Actually they don't have to choose: an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) allows for the implementation of both the SOA and the EDA concepts.
.NET 4 Feature Focus: Parallel Programming
The Common Language Runtime has always had basic support for parallel programming in the form of locks, threads, and thread pools. With the increasing emphasis on multi-core CPUs, there has been a renewed interest in high-level parallel programming constructs.
The first one announced was Parallel LINQ, also known as PLINQ. Like SQL, parallelization is handled by the language itself without effort by the developer. Simply tack on an AsParallel to the query and everything else just works. Well usually, but just like SQL there are times with additional options need to be specified.
More Effective Java With Google's Joshua Bloch
Joshua Bloch, Google's chief Java architect, is a former Distinguished Engineer at Sun Microsystems, where he led the design and implementation of numerous Java platform features, including JDK 5.0 language enhancements and the award-winning Java Collections Framework. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science from Carnegie-Mellon University.
Bloch won the prestigious Jolt Award from Software Development Magazine for the first edition of his 2001 book, Effective Java Programming Language Guide, known to many developers as Effective Java, and he is also the coauthor (with Neal Gafter) of the highly regarded book Java Puzzlers.
If there's one book that Java developers repeatedly refer to as their favorite, it's Effective Java.
"Developers tend to reinvent the wheel is the same reason they tend to optimize prematurely: In order to stay sane, most developers have a can-do attitude, and some take it too far. They say to themselves, "Yes, there's a library, but I can do better." Maybe you can, but that doesn't mean you should. Use the standard library unless it's profoundly unsuited to your needs."
Integrating GLPbuffer and Java Graphics2D
This article discusses the incorporation of OpenGL into an ongoing mathematics visualization project, 3D-XplorMath-J. 3DXplorMath is a program to visualize mathematical objects and allow the user to interact with them, created for educational and research purposes. The object is to have a "virtual math museum," organized into "galleries" and "exhibits." The project was begun by Richard S. Palais as a program for Macintosh computers; it was written in the Pascal programming language, with contributions from other mathematicians.
Quick Look at Java 6 and OpenGL
In Java SE 6, JOGL and Java 2D can be used together directly. Java 6 allows Swing objects to now overlay OpenGL rendering. Now rendering of 3D OpenGL graphics can be done directly onto Java 2D graphics, and similarly, Java 2D graphics can be drawn directly onto 3D OpenGL graphics.
EJB 3.1 Singleton Example
As the name implies a javax.ejb.Singleton is a session bean with a guarantee that there is at most one instance in the application. What it gives you that is completely missing in EJB 3.0 and prior versions is the ability to have an EJB that is notified when the application starts and notified when the application stops. So you can do all sorts of things that you previously could only do with a load-on-startup servlet. It also gives you a place to hold data that pertains to the entire application and all users using it, without the need for a static. Additionally, Singleton beans can be invoked by several threads at one time similar to a Servlet.
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