Je vous propose, pour cette semaine, des articles orientés interface homme machine et infrastructure JVM :
- La technologie JavaFX
- Le JSlider pas à pas
- L'afficheur de thread porté dans l'outil visualVM
- Le profiler qui permet de naviguer (walk) dans le tas des objets Java
- Les compléments du JDK 6 update 10 (disponible uniquement en bêta)
- Les API du JDK 6 pour faire de l'analyse de source Java avant la compilation javac
- L'outil de visualisation du code natif généré pas le compilateur Just In Time de la JVM : uniquement pour ceux qui lisent l'assembleur x86 des processeurs Intel.
Bonne lecture.
Using UI Components in Compiled JavaFX Script Technology
The previous article of this series, Creating Rich Internet Applications With Compiled JavaFX Script Technology, covered how to develop, compile, and run a simple JavaFX Script technology-based program. The article examined the program in detail and discussed several JavaFX Script concepts.
JSlider Appearance Improvements
The JSlider component is a popular component for selecting a value from a numerical range. While some people might think of a JScrollBar for numerical input, that really serves the purpose of scrolling around a viewport, not data input. By default, the input range of a JSlider is 0 to 100, with an initial value of 50. You can change any of the three defaults, the direction of the scrollbar, and whether tick marks should appear and what to show next to them. You'll look at all of these possible features.
Porting a Hot Java Thread Detector to VisualVM
Over on, Bruce Chapman recently described a tool he's created "to output the stack traces for the three busiest threads in a Java process". He closes the article by suggesting that his hot thread detector might be useful in jConsole and VisualVM. Fortunately, he provided all his source code...
Walking the Java Heap with NetBeans 6.0 Profiler
NetBeans 6.0 brings a host of new features to Java and Ruby developers, including a totally rewritten editor, support for local file history, a new graphical file comparison utility, and support for the new Swing desktop framework. One area of particular emphasis is its profiler, which has improves support for detecting and fixing memory leaks, the focus of this article.
Java SE 6 Update 10 Overview
Java SE 6 Update 10 is an update release that introduces
new features and enhancements aimed at providing an optimized consumer-end user experience. Java SE 6 Update 10 focuses on the following areas:
- Enhanced Java deployment
- Improved performance and look & feel
- Next-Generation Java Plug-In
Source Code Analysis Using Java 6 APIs
- Invoking the Compiler from Code: The Java Compiler API
- Annotation Processing: The Pluggable Annotation Processing API
- Writing a Custom Annotation Processor
- Plugging In the Annotation Processor
- Accessing the Abstract Syntax Tree: The Compiler Tree API
- Setting the Source Location
- Verifying the Source Against Rules
- Running the Sample
- Summary
- Resources
Deep dive into assembly code from Java
One of the things I learned in The Server Side Java Symposium 2008 was a command-line option to print out the assembly code that JIT is producing. Since I've always been interested in seeing the final assembly code that gets produced from your Java code, I decided to give it a test drive.